Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was COLD this year.  Even so, TJ was super excited to try out his scarecrow costume on unsuspecting children.  He got all suited up, put out our candy with a "please take one" sign, put a mop down his back, and then artfully slumped:

It was a TOTAL riot.  He wouldn't scare everyone, it was only every once in a while.  We watched the first boy from down the street and when TJ grumbled he jumped a mile.  Hilarious.  It was total dedication, too.  He must have been slumped over for almost an hour and a half.  Plus kids were poking him and one threw a piece of candy at him to see if he was real.  Best Halloween ever.

While daddy was busy doing that, Topher and Emma made the rounds together.  Aren't they the cutest?!?

The 2012 haul:

And some hot coca to warm us all back up.

Great night. 

 I love being married to a scarecrow with a superhero son.

This is the life.


This is Getting Shameful

I'm still here!  I realize that blogs have dropped off dramatically in number but there are still things worth noting happening here in our little corner of Ankeny, Iowa.  

First I will back up a month or so and post pics from Topher's ~spooky~ Halloween birthday party!  (Then hopefully the momentum will continue and I'll post some more soon.)

Decorating the house, inside and out:

Add one birthday boy who happens to be a total ham:

 One totally awesome graveyard cake:

 An interesting party menu complete with zombie fingers (smokies), "tombstone" pizzas, poisoned herbs (salad), witch's brew (sherbert punch), and 8-legged cupcakes (spider themed):

And then just throw in the kids, all in costumes of course!!:

It was so much fun and Topher will always remember the time he had a Batman, a Spiderman, a princess, a bumblebee, two Angry Birds, a pirate (mommy), and a scarecrow (daddy) at his birthday party.  

Yep, we have a FOUR year old now.  That's a child, not a baby, just for the record.

Well, he can still be my little baby.

How blessed we've been to have had four years with this special little boy.  We love you Topher!
