Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Dancing Boy and a Yellow Hat

To cap off this week, I thought I'd share a couple random things that have been going on here lately. Topher is more into dancing than ever and really wouldn't stop last night, so I took a video: I love to watch him dance. He is just so free and happy and it's as if even he doesn't know which direction his body will move next. Next, since I'm absolutely addicted to knitting, here are a couple more projects I completed this week: First, a scarf for my purple-is-my-favorite-color friend. This was my first time adding fringe. It was a little trickier than the tutorials suggested. At least for me. Last but not least is a project that was born from a conversation that went a little something like this: Me: Hey I knit now, do you want anything? My sister: Sure, I'll take a yellow hat Me: That's an odd request TJ: You own a yellow hat Me: Oh yeah, I guess it's not that weird This hat was my first attempt at a LOT of things. My first attempt at piecing together a few different patterns and improvising the rest (ie making up my own pattern). My first attempt at incorporating more than one color. My first attempt at an adult-sized hat. My first attempt at adding a little embellishment. Basically, it was doomed from the start. I started it yesterday and finished it this morning kind of holding my breath the whole time. And yet...I dare to say it's almost wearable. So without further adieu, Regina, here is your hat. It is a little sloppy but there's a lot of love woven in there. I hope you can tell. Love ya, sis. I want to do with knitting needles the things you can do with words. Make stories. Really good ones. --KC


  1. It's my new favorite hat! Okay, it is my only hat, but it's the first hat I've ever wanted to be my hat, so the favorite still stands.

  2. That hat turned out great! I love the addition of the flower too. You are doing so great at knitting. I can't believe you just learned a couple weeks ago.

    PS - I LOVE my scarf too. Thanks so much for making me one.

  3. seriously? i love that hat! and that dancing Topher. did he pull a little break dance move at the end? so cute! it looks like he's going through some Glee withdrawl...or maybe that's just me. ;)

  4. Wow! I am super impressed with you knitting skills. Not at all surprised you were always good at whatever you tried, I hate you a little for that one :) j/k keep up the good work!
