Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Marching into Spring

We are SO excited that it's March. It's the first month that doesn't sound like a "winter" month. And the sunshine is giving me hope that warmer weather is on the way. Today we hit 36 degrees, and it was so exciting to see the snow and ice melting outside, we went for a walk. It's funny how warm mid-thirties can feel after such a bitterly cold winter with many days in the negative degrees. We could only take a stroll around the townhome complex, but it felt really good to get some fresh air, and Topher was very happy to be out and about.
We weren't the only ones desperate for warmer weather. One of our neighbors was out shoveling his driveway in shorts. You don't see that every day.
I was most excited about the fact that we're starting to see patches of grass again. Sure, it might be right next to a 5 foot mountain of snow, but it's nice to know the grass is still under there somewhere.
So far March has brought a lot of sunshine, and we welcome it with winter-weary, open arms.


  1. i know how you feel. Just knowing that it's March makes me happy, b/c it means winter is no longer taking over. Soon we'll start to see flowers pop up and trees blossom and be able to be outside longer and take walks longer than just a few minutes! YAY for MARCH!!! I don't think I've ever been so happy to see March.

    p.s. Topher's smile is so sweet. I can see him growing into a handsome little dude. :)

  2. Yes, exactly! This has been an abnormally LONG winter, and I can't wait to see it go. And thanks for saying that about Topher. I think his smile is the sweetest thing in the whole world and he's going to break a lot of hearts with it. :)
