Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Laughing in Lieu of Sleeping

I know it has been a little while since I have posted anything new, but our son decided he doesn't need to sleep anymore. He is trying to do away with his naps during the day, and he's still waking up a few times a night. It's exhausting. Furthermore, I cannot blog if he's awake because he LOVES the computer and if he sees it out, he goes straight for it and starts banging on the keys with his signature genteel touch, lol. However, he is taking a cat nap at the moment (thank you!) and I wanted to post a video of him laughing. He likes to pick up his little ball and throw it for the cat, but after watching him do this over and over again without any interest from the cat (sometimes she just doesn't feel like playing) I felt so bad for Topher that I pretended to be the cat instead. Whenever he would throw the ball I'd jump on it and bat it around and throw it back to him, and he just found it hilarious. If there is one thing Topher was born with, it is a great sense of humor. I'll try to get some new pictures and videos up as I have time. Topher is getting very close to taking his first step so I hope we'll be able to get that on camera. Last night he stood up by himself without holding on to anything and stood for a few seconds before falling back down, so we know he's learning to balance and walking shouldn't be far behind.

We are looking forward to a visit from Lindsay and Jo this weekend, the Clark Family Christmas next weekend, and a visit to KC the weekend after that. It is definitely the beginning of the holiday season, and we are so excited about it. We still have not even started shopping, though, so we need to get started soon! TJ is staying busy at work and I'm busy at home. There's not really anything else to report except that we still love it here--SO much--and memories of the flood house are thankfully fading away.

Sounds like someone is waking up. Back to work. :)


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