Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laughing on Tape

Okay, so I just got out a roll of tape to cover up a sharp little bent nail under our couch (since Topher is rolling all around now and likes to reach under there). When I pulled the tape off the roll, the funniest thing happened:

I'm so glad our camera captures video because this one is priceless. My mom said she saw a video of a baby once who cracked up whenever his dad would rip a piece of paper...I don't know what it is about the "ripping" noise that's so hilarious, but I'm glad our baby has such a great laugh. :)




    This is too cute!!!! What a sweetheart!!

    Thank you for sharing. I love reading your blog :)

  2. That is so cute! It's reminding me so much of our kids when they were that age and would find something crazy that would crack them up the same way. Can't wait to see you this weekend!
    luvs, aby

  3. Oh MY GOSH!!! that's hilarious! I love that hystarical laugh!
    how fun is he!!


  4. p.s. i was laughing so hard, tears were rolling down my face.
