Monday, May 5, 2014

Reverent Legos

In this house, we live and breathe Legos.
I know every set in the store, how many pieces it has, and why Topher needs it.
We play Legos seven days a week.

But Sundays are special, and Topher used his skills to play with Legos reverently yesterday.
I have never loved his creations more.

First up is his "Conference Center".  
Since General Conference was broadcast from Salt Lake a few weeks ago, it was fresh in his mind.  (Although he may have incorporated a few general Salt Lake Temple Square ideas as well.)

Let me walk you through some of the details as they were explained to me.  
This is the Christus statue:

This is President Thomas S. Monson addressing the people with a "garden" on either side of him:

This is the big screen that allows people in the way back to see the speaker (I LOVE that you can see the prophet's face big on the screen):

These are the conference gates, complete with an apple tree "in case people at conference get hungry":

Sitting on either side of the prophet there is a policeman (to keep him safe) and a gardener (to keep the flowers looking nice):

When Topher showed me all the details he included, I was absolutely floored.  
I love this little boy so much.

This morning he decided to make one more thing.
He looked at his scripture tag first (since he can't spell yet):

And then he started building:


I don't know what to say except that I am so lucky to be this little master-builder's mom.
He's busy stacking up bricks, but all I can see is carefully constructed piles of love.
I can't wait to see what he builds next.
