Halloween was COLD this year. Even so, TJ was super excited to try out his scarecrow costume on unsuspecting children. He got all suited up, put out our candy with a "please take one" sign, put a mop down his back, and then artfully slumped:
It was a TOTAL riot. He wouldn't scare everyone, it was only every once in a while. We watched the first boy from down the street and when TJ grumbled he jumped a mile. Hilarious. It was total dedication, too. He must have been slumped over for almost an hour and a half. Plus kids were poking him and one threw a piece of candy at him to see if he was real. Best Halloween ever.
While daddy was busy doing that, Topher and Emma made the rounds together. Aren't they the cutest?!?
The 2012 haul:
And some hot coca to warm us all back up.
Great night.
I love being married to a scarecrow with a superhero son.
This is the life.